Saturday, January 5, 2019

Ryan's 21st Birthday

Hes home, and loving it....probably not really, but we're happy to have him home. I know it's been a really hard adjustment for him. He's been on his own for the last two years, so to come home and have to follow house rules that teenagers have is hard. But to be fair to us, we give him a lot more space than hen they get. 

He's 21 now. He kept remonding me he can officially but a drink if he wanted to. I tols him, "Yes, you could. But I also know you don't want to." He's always been my teaser. Even if he's teasin me! 

There's not much he wanted. I gave him some money. We also had his blog from his mission turned into a book. Now, all of his letters and pictures are in one spot. He didn't journal, so I believe this counts. 

Happy Birthday, Ryan! Thanka for being such a great kid, er, young adult. You really are so great!! We love you!!