Saturday, November 30, 2013

Grace is 12

I can't believe how big my kids are getting. It makes me sad, but happy. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. I'm sad because time has gone by so quickly, but it makes me happy to see them turning into such great young people.
Grace is in Young Women's. She's a Beehive. She's in 6th grade. She's getting way too big! Grace has always been a kind hearted person and it's great seeing that in her everyday. She always makes sure the lonely has a friend and is being treated the way the Savior would treat them. Good grades come naturally, along with being organized and on time- two things she inherited from her father!
We love you Grace and the beautiful young lady you are becoming. I hope you always choose to be you and never forget who you are!


Birthday Interview:
favorite color: turquoise
favorite food: donuts
favorite animal: penguin
favorite subject in school: math
favorite candy bar: Symphony
favorite cartoon: Avatar
favorite movie: Star Wars
favorite book: The Fallen Star Series
favorite hobby: singing and listening to music
What do you want to be when you grow up? a singer
If you could have anything, what would it be? lots of children and donuts


Jared and Melissa Palmer said...

I can't believe that Grace is 12 and in young womens! And Aaron is 14... so crazy! What sweet kids you have :)