Sunday, August 9, 2015

More Important Than Shoes

About a month ago was the July Fast and Testimony meeting for our church congregation. There are no formal speakers. If you have the disire to share your testimony you can go up to the pulpit and share. I knew at the start of the meeting I would go up and share. I knew because of how I was feeling inside. My heart was beating, I had a lump in my throat, and my thoughts were crazy fast in my head. Dustin leaned over and whispered, "You're going up, huh? You have your Testimony face." I never knew my face changed, but apparently it does.

For some reason I kept rationalizing that I didn't need to go up. And I kept doing it, the whole hour! I came up with a lot of reasons, but the last was that I was wearing these 2.5 inch heels and if I try to go up, I will just end up tripping. I chuckled as that image came into my mind. Then a thought entered my head, "Are you really going to meet the Savior one day and explain to Him that the reason you couldn't bear testimony of Him was because of your shoes?" That's all it took!

As I stood to go to the pulpit, my husband gently grabbed my arm and pointed to the clock, "Hun, it's over." I knew I shouldn't be standing because I would be lengthening the time of the meeting, but I had to. I basically ran in those shoes and I made it without falling over. There was no way that I was going to let a pair of shoes be the reason for not sharing my love of Jesus Christ. His first words to me will not be, "Larae, the shoes?? Really?"


Unknown said...

I can so relate. I sometimes let "shoes" get in my way, too. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is glad you bore your testimony last Sunday!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you did because it led to this post, which is a good reminder for me!