Friday, May 19, 2017

School Mile Marathon

 So, my kids' school always puts on a mile-marathon at the end of the year. they kids practice all year long working on their running. Our family really aren't runners. Well, Dustin has done an actual marathon before. I heard he did really well. we didn't know each other then. But, my kids all inherited my running gene. It's not a very good one. We do think, however, that little Britten will be a runner. He's fast and has an unlimited amount of energy!

Anyway, I went to the high school to cheer Becca on. I happened to be off work and was able to go. I was proud of her for finishing something she knows she's not good at. Sometimes, that can be really hard. If we know we won't do very well, we often just choose not to try. But she did. She didn't come in last place, so we count it as a win!!