Monday, July 31, 2017

July Highlights

The month of July always seems to fly by! We don't do anything great, but we did go to Las Vegas. The reat of our month was our day to day activities like: work, TV, family time, and so on. Here's some of the highlights:

We always enjoy getting news from Ryan on his mission. He's working hard and having success. We got a package from him this month. He gave us all the kids mission planners. He told them to record what they did for the day and to set goals each day. We will try! We also sometimes get random texts from strangers with a picture of Ryan. this month we got him eating watermelon!! He hates fruit!

We had a Family Home Evening lesson on prayer. I had them find a scripture about prayer and then draw a picture of them praying. I like to save things like this, so I took a picture, and made a collage out of them. We made smore's for dessert. We roasted the marshmallows on our gas stove. the kids thought that was great!

We met my bother, Jeff, and my sister, Alissa, and their families at Temple Square on a Sunday afternoon. We had fun touring and eating dinner in a park.

Britten drew a picture for me the next week. He sure loves me!!

And, a lot of the month was me spending time with my kids, driving them around making sire they weren't bored. I love these guys!!