Wednesday, January 1, 2020


2020 coming at me! 
I say every year, "This will be the best one yet!" I'm donr telling myself that. I'm 43 years old. And everyone of those years has made me who I am. I've had joys, sadness, victories, failures...I've experineced it all. As much as I've hated the hard stuff, I'm grateful for it. So bring on the joy, bring on the crap! I'm just grateful to be alive and have the opportunity. I spent the last year working on my mental health. Anxiety has been high! At times, I didn't feel like I'd ever be enough. I'm happy to say by the endi if this year, even though I still wake up at 4 am anxious, our minds are so powerful! We are what we tell ourselves. My antra all last year, " You are capable. You are confident. you will succeed!" I most likely will have to repeat it to myself the rest of my life. But, i believe it! My word for the New Year: capable. 

Happy New Year!!