Tuesday, June 12, 2018

The Chocolate Factory

Every night before bed, I read Britten  a story. One of his favorites is, Curious George And The Chocolate Factory. Britten has been obsessed with factories ever since! He would have us looking for factories in the car whenever we were driving. We have found a yogurt factory, concrete factory, chip factory, mine factory, a welding factory. Thank goodness our daily drive to and from the daycare consisted of all these factories.  
I would always tell him about the chocolate factory that is not far away. He would beg me to take him, I would promise to. The day finally came that I set up the tour. He was so excited- it only took me 3 months!

He loved it! they even had little George's all around the factory to find. We watched a movie about chocolate, ate chocolate and ice cream samples, played games. it was fun! It made his day! And, I'm glad Dustin and the other kids came with us. they had never been either. And, Dustin bought me my favorite: chocolate caramels. A happy family + chocolate = a good day!