Thursday, September 13, 2018

Becca is 13! One More Teenager

Rebecca Anne turned 13 today. I can't believe I have 3 teenage girls. Wait, yes I can!! Holy Hannah, it's a little crazy in our home. But I love them!

She is loving jr high. She is a student body officer. She loves having a say in what goes on in the school. It fits her so well. She is a natural born leader who marches to the bet of her own drum. I found a note I wrote about her a couple years ago when she was running for SBO in 5th grade:

Why I Would Be A Great Class Representative
Rebecca Merritt

I would be a great class representative because I am a responsible, mature, and respectful individual and I would make sure that every idea goes into consideration during student council meetings. I would also make you aware of any important events that are going on. I will try to never miss a student council meeting. I promise I will keep my grades up and I will try to never miss a day of school.

I will always be alert of what, where, and when important events are going to happen. I will always take a lot of notes so that if anyone has any questions I will be able to answer them. I will try my best to gather as much information as I possibly can.

Some of the many reasons I want to be our class representative is so:
1. I can be more involved in what our school does.
2. I can be helpful in any way possible.
3. I can learn more about the student body.
Some of my qualities are being honest, kind, understanding, and above all brave. Everybody has amazing qualities and I will help them see that. I promise that I will make sure that nobody will feel like a nobody. This is my 4th year at this school, yet I know nothing about it, and I feel like if I am in student council it will help me understand this school more. I love meeting new people and this is an opportunity to get to meet new people.

In conclusion if I get elected I will make sure everybody knows what is going on, I will make sure that nobody feels like a nobody, and I will make sure that every idea goes into consideration. That is what I will do if I am elected class representative.

Becca has also discovered a new talent! She started getting in to drama during the summer break. She has joined the Drama Club at school, and is loving it!! She will be in the jr high play in the spring. She has also decided to take singing lessons. I'm excited for her on this new journey! Happy Birthday, Becca! You're going to rock 13!!

Becca's Faves
color: blush/teal/white
food: ramen noodles 
candy: Skittles
book: The Selection Series
tv show: The Office
movie: Nacho Libre/Napoleon Dynamite
hobby: acting/Drama Club
What do you want to be when you grow up? actress/singer
If you could do anything, what would you want most? Have a family of my own

She's Awesome!