Saturday, July 13, 2019


 I love going through old pictures. As I went through some today, I made o list of things that should never be forgotten.

Things that should never be forgotten:
1) Little Merritts, Hershey Kiss hair dos, toothless Smiles, 2) Little Merritt girls 3) My mom with my kids 4) My obsession with birdhouses was real, Merritt kids in pjs 5) Prairie 4th 6) Prairie Hogs, wide leg pants 7) Spike-y haired Larae(Britten wants to know if I had just woke up), Quippy Doll Becca8) Dustin wore duck ties, Dustin with no beard, Aaron’s gap between his front baby teeth 9) Larae with freckles 10) Fat Baby Britten
I could go on.