Thursday, December 12, 2019

We Are His Hands


I wish I had a picture. But when you're awaken at 3 am, your mind isn't super clear. And honest, taking a picture might have just ruined the moment. But I want to remeber this always...
Britten has nightmares. This time, a vampire was sucking the blood out of his foot. He climbed in bed with me. All was well. I fell back asleep. A little while later, I woke with a startle, like I needed to be somewhere. I looked over and saw my 6 year-old sitting up. I called his name, and asked what he was doing. I thought he was starting to sleep walk. "He wispered to me, "Mom, I'm praying." 
I let him finish. Then, he told me he hadn't been able to go back to bed. His foot hurt from the vampire, and he was scared. I cuddled him and we sang songs until he was calm and comfortable. I soon heard snoring. I had so many thoughts and feelings running theough my mind and heart. 
I focus on this aspect today. How grateful and humbled I am that I could help answer a little boy's prayer. I believe in an All Knowing, All Powerful God who can do many mighty things. But I also believe in a God who can wake a sleeping mother so she can assist Him in His miracles. May we all help bless the life of someone today, for we are His hands!