Thursday, August 14, 2008

Making My Parents Proud

As I was getting photos of Dustin and I for the new slide show to put on my blog, Kate pulled out an old picture of my family. I always hated that picture because I was rather "large" from having Ryan. When she was looking at it, I stopped and watched her. She was so focused on one person. I looked to see who it was and realized it was my dad. Her expression was priceless. Her face was saying, "I don't know him. Who is he? Who is this man sitting by Grandma?" All of a sudden that became one of my FAVORITE pictures. It was my dad how I remembered him. It was before he got real skinny, his nose was normal, and he didn't seem aged at all.

I stopped what I was doing and pointing to my dad said, "Who is that?"

She replied, "I don't know. I don't know him."

"That's my dad. That's Grandpa Taylor. He died before you were born."

"Did you cry?" she asked.

"Yeah I cried, but we'll see him again when Jesus comes," I told her. I am so thankful for that. I miss my dad. I still have dreams every now and then of coming home and he is there. In my dream I'm shocked to see him, but happy.

"Now you just have your mom and Robyn," she informed me.

"Yeah, just Grandma and Robyn," I agreed.

Am so grateful for my parents. I am bias when it comes to them. I think they are the best parents ever. Growing up in a big family you sometimes get the, "Didn't you feel left out?" or "Were your needs met?" I kind of get grumpy when people are so presumptuous. We may not of had fancy things, and maybe I wish my parents would have been able to attend HS games, or enrolled us in rec activities. Those are things I wished for when I was younger. I am older now and know that my parent's #1 priority was their children. Everything they have done, or ever will do was for ME (the other 10 too). I know they were stretched physically to the limit with 11 kids, but spiritually they had plenty.

We were taught to always put spiritual things first. Our #1 priority was living right, being happy, and serving others. They were shining examples. I don't have many memories of my parents being angry and grumpy. I remember fighting with my mom over a boyfriend and I remember my dad washing my mouth out with soap for saying "crap." I was 7. I don't remember him being angry with me. I'm sure there were a few more. I'm hoping my kids will forget too!

My parents were always willing to serve where they were needed. They have held many callings over the years and fulfilled them. They loved helping others. I was taught never to judge other people, just love them.

I am grateful to a Heavenly Father who knew I needed my parents, Sandra and Lavier. He knew they would lead me in ways of righteousness. My goal is to be able to do the same for my kids, to make my parents proud. I will choose to not be so grumpy, to slow down and enjoy my kids. I may not be able to offer them "riches" of the world, but I can show them the happiness in life comes when you live right, choose to be HAPPY, and love people.

The photo that sparked our conversation. Our family has grown from the original 13 members. We have added 10 in-laws and 32 grand kids, almost 34. A total of 57 people!


Taryn said...

Wow, I am overcome by emotions. Your a great writer and you have such passion for life! I enjoy your blogs so much because they are so postive and spiritual. You have a wonderful family and I'm so glad that we get to peak into it every once in a while!

The Bach 10 said...

Awesome family photo!!

Jayleen said...

You always have the best posts. I loved reading it. You are very lucky to have so many wonderful people in your family :)!

Darrell and Alissa said...

I have that picture framed for that same reason- Dad is Dad in that picture. Glasses and all, straight nose, and he's not so skinny! Mom and Dad did a great job raising us- and yes, I do think we are a little bias, but we have that right! Who can raise 11 kids into respnsible adults who respect, love and have strong testimonies of Christ?! Ands I think we are all resonably normal too! I try to remember how Mom and Dad did things becasue they did things so right. Sure I think we all wish we could have had more one on one time with our parents, and that they could have come to more of our things, but we were their priority- they were at what they could be. They worked hard to provide for us and to serve the Lord I have so much admiration for both of them. Some times in my prayers I ask that Dad can knkow how much I took him for granted, Mom was strong and i always thought she rant he family. But now i know she was only so strong because her husband backed her up 100% and they worked as a team- ALWAYS!
I love when I have dreams with Dad in them- it's just so comforting to remember- I love watching home video's with him in them- it just brings comfort! My favorite dream was when I was pregnant with Carly and she just didn't want to be born dag it! Lexi and Ashlee were so early and Calry was so stubborn and thought she needed to wait until her due date! I was really uncomfortable and just having such a hard time- I was ready to be done! One night I had a dream of Dad and Darrell's Dad holding her up in heaven and giving her last minute advice and hugs- nt wanting to let her go. Just typing about it makes me cry- I'm sure they were the last ones to hug her! Suddenly me being uncomfotable and ready to have her wasn't as big of a deal to me- I WANTED her to have as much time with these two great men as she could- that's why we named her after both of them!
Sorry such a long post- it's very thought provoking and I really could go on forever!! Thanks for the reminder of who we are and how blessed we were to be born to Mom and Dad!

thecustercrew said...

I read your post the other day and had to come back to comment because I was too overcome to do it then. It is funny that Alissa commented on the same thing I was thinking that day. When I went to the doc last week, he laughed and said he could barely feel the baby's head and that I wasn't dialating at all. By now with my first four I was usually a 3. Your post made me think about how my little guy is spending time with Dad now and how selfish I am to take that away from him. Sometimes I wonder what I would say or do if I had just one more week or even just a day to spend with him. He was taken away so quickly, I don't think any of us were ready. We may be bias, but I really do think we have the greatest parents in the world. Their lives define the term unselfish. They never worried about themselves. They just wanted us to be happy. They were always looking out for our best intrests even if it put undue stress on them.
My favorite memory of Dad is definately him playing the piano and all of us dancing around. I especially love it because it is one that some of my older kids can remember.
I am grateful for parents who were so dedicated to the church and for them instilling those values in us. When he died I was upset that they had worked their whole lives in the church and that the one thing they wanted to do when they retired, serve a mission, they weren't given the chance to do. Months later I had to give a talk in church and in preparing it I realized they were given that chance. They were in Gallitan for 18 mo. Talking to mom afterwards she told me that the stake president told them before they left back to AZ that they had done a ton of missionary work while they had been there and he tried to get them to stay. It made me realize that the Lord does things in his own time. Dad was needed, he had another mission to fulfill. Although I wish we could still have him with us, I am grateful that we are an eternal family.

Audrey Taylor said...

That was good for us to read. Your parents have definately impacted many people for the better. I never knew Lavier before the nose surgery and him slowing down. I will someday. When I looked at the picture, the words, "All things bright and beautiful" came to mind.

Mhari said...

That is a great picture of all of you. And just how I remember Uncle Lavier. I have always loved your family for all of the craziness and fun that goes along with having that many people. And I love getting together with all of you crazy Taylor kids. I think your parents are some of the most amazing people ever. I always tell people about my aunt who had 11 children and none of them are adopted. Well maybe Kevin but other than him. :-)

Shauna said...

Thanks for bringing a tear to my eye Larae! I am very biased when it comes to my parents also. That was cute what Kate said.