Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting My GRIN Pin

I realized I did not tell about this exciting event for me. Some of you may be wondering what a GRIN Pin is. Well, it is an acknowledgement that I have read my scriptures for 100 days. You don't have to read 100 days straight, just 100 days. So, why the excitement?

I have been working on getting my first pin for 3 years! That's right 3 years. Pathetic, I know. To redeem myself from all patheticasy (is that a word?), it took three years due to my lack of keeping track. They make it easy enough. You get a little card numbered 1-100 and all you have to do is mark it off. I would, however forget to do this. (I guess that doesn't really redeem me, what idiot cannot make a mark through a number) Anyway, I didn't want to "guesstimate" how many days I had forgotten to cross off, so I just went by the days I remembered. But , I did it! Here's to many more lining my scripture bag! Hopefully, not every three years!


Kristin said...

So, who gives you these grin pins?

You forgetting to cross off the days you read reminds me of my children forgetting to mark off their chore charts--if they don't mark them off, they don't get paid. We've offered them an alternative of a set allowance per week, but if they mark off each chore, they get paid more, so they always choose that. Since they forget to mark off their chores, though, they'd be better off getting a set allowance. You're not the only one who forgets that last step! :)

Rach said...

Yeah Larae! What fun memories that brings back of the 4th ward!! Miss you!

Taryn said...

Way to go that is awesome!