Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I can't believe it's December. Another year is almost over. I do love this time of year though. I try to be thankful all year long and remmeber my Savior always, but I'm not as good as I want to be. I enjoy having little reminders wherever I go.
Dustin put up Christmas lights today. The girls' hearts are happy! Kate asked the other day if we owned Christmas lights. It made me sad that she wasn't old enough to remember. We used to be really good about being festive, but by the time we HAD time to put them up, there was only 2 wks left of the holiday time and usually a bunch of snow on the roof. I'm glad they can see that we actually do have them.
I am so thankful for my little family. We are so blessed. I wake every morning grateful for all that I have. I love that my kids are relatively kind to eachother- we have our moments. I know that if it really came down to it, they would whole heartledly defend and protect one another. It brings my heart joy to watch them live the gospel in theri own ways. They are such good kids. I have truly been blessed.

Dustin and I just celebrated 16 years of marriage! SIXTEEN!!!! It makes me feel super old. How I love that man though. He is always so hard on himself and thinks he doesn't measure up. The other day he was in tears because he felt like he wasn't being the father that he should be. I could truly empathize because I feel that way a lot. I love his soft, kind heart. He loves his children and me! As I type this he is sitting on the floor, with all 5 kids around, playing a very looong game of Uno Attack. The "Attack" part is what makes this game very long. He is being patient and sticking it out. He also took the girls to the church today to play dodgeball and kickball with them while I was at work. He didn't have to go in until 2 pm. Does a lowsy father do such things? I think not!!!

I came home from work and he told me he did the laundry. Do you know how wonderful those words are to my ears? He had cleaned the whole house and I was able to lay down for a little nap with happy girls quietly playing and a clean house and nothing to catch up on. It was wonderful.

I spent the rest of the day driving around like crazy trying to find advent calendars for my kids. We don't have a ton of traditions for Christmas becuase I like simple, but we do have this one. I totally dropped the ball and forgot to get them. They go fast here, real fast. The kids and I had no luck finding them, but we had fun searching for them.

I absolutley love my wonderful, little life! We don't have much by the world's standards, but I know am truly blessed with what really matters. Nothing could make me happier!!


i said...

Loved reading this. So nice to hear of lovely things going on. ;) Especially the part about you taking a nap since he cleaned the house!