Our first day in Palmyra, NY we went to two places:
1) Hill Cumorah
2)The Sacred Grove
We first visited the vistor's center at The Hill Cumorah. There were many interactive stations that we enjoyed. Then we walked up the actual hil to the very top where there is a memorial for the place that the Angel Moroni visited and gave JOseph Smith the plates.
view from Hill Cumorah to see Jospeh Smith Farm
We ate some lunch in the parking lot before we left to go to the Sacred Grove. The Sacred Grove was so quiet. I think that's what spoke to me the most in that space. We gaev each other space to wonder through the gorve as they saw fit. There were two paths, a larger and a smaller. Each path took you through the grove, but you saw different things on each one.
When my parents lived in Galitin, MO, I was too little to remember most of it. But, I have heard my mom talk about visiting Adam-ondi-Ahman. They didn’t live close to any temple, and for members of my church a temple is an important place. She told me how if she needed peace, or she needed reassurance, or personal revelation, she went to Adam-ondi -Ahman. It was a special place for her. I never really could quite understand what she meant. As I walked the Sacred Grove today, I understood. Not just in my head, but in my heart as well. The only word I can use to describe it is, JOY. My heart was so full, the joy left my body as tears. This place! I know it’s different for everyone, but for me, this place was definitely sacred and holy. I could have spent hours!
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