Saturday, January 31, 2009



Swiper of Funnies

Subject is not armed, but can drive you crazy!!


Hoarder of Funnies

Subject is armed with many funnies

While taking my older children to school, we were talking about Horton Hears a Who. The night before we were invited over to Cory and Wendy's to watch it all together. Funny movie by the way!
On the way back from school, Kate and Becca were sharing their favorite funny parts of the movie. These two together, well, you never know what will happen. Kate was sharing her part, then Becca shared hers, and so forth. Well, Becca thought a part was funny that Kate had already shared. She started yelling at Becca, "That's my funny! You can't steal people's funnies! Give it back Becca!"
Becca turned to her and simply said, "No Kate, sorry. It's my funny." This made Kate even more hysterical.

"You give me back my funny right now!" Becca shook her head. "Fine," Kate continued, "I'm taking it back." She swiped her hand through the air as if she was catching something. "I have it and you can never get it back!" she said.

Becca then turned to me and said, "Mom, Kate took my funny! I want it back."

Kate told me the whole story as if I had never been in the car. This continued most of the way home. Fighting about the funny and who it belonged to. Finally Becca fessed up to stealing the funny and she apologized and gave it back to Kate.

All is right with the world again!


thecustercrew said...

Your girls are tooooo cute!

i said... funny!

Que and Brittany's Adoption Journey said...

AW funnies ARE funny!

jilliebean said...

Love it! SO cute!

Shauna said...

How funny! They are so cute!

Janelle said...

Hysterical! The funnies that I have to look forward to! I hope!