Sunday, August 7, 2011

A New Plan and My (Sheri's) Thoughts on Integrity

I have been worried lately. Really worried. My thoughts have been about my kids.

Dustin and I had a conversation the other night.

"How are our kids going to make it?" I asked. "This world is so crazy and so backwards."

His reply, "We just teach them."

So, I came up with a plan. I have decided that every Sunday I would pick a gospel principle and share my thoughts. I would then commit to being better. After all, "Actions speak louder than words."

Today I was studying one of my favorite talks by Sheri Dew (you all know how much I love her). Her talk: True Blue, Through and Through is excellent! I love it!! (you can read it here, I highly suggest taking the time to read it) She speaks on integrity.

Integrity is more than being honest. It is being " true to yourself, meaning who you are as a son or daughter of God, and who you are in the process of becoming. True to others, meaning you do what you say you will do. And true to God, meaning that you practice what you preach and that you are doing what you covenanted to do here in mortality."

I feel that if I can pound this principle into their little heads they stand a chance! It is not always easy to stand, especially when there are times you are standing alone. I think this is why I got scared. I knew there would be times that my kids would be forced to stand alone. I don't want them to shrink at those times. I want them to know who they are and do what they need to do. I don't live in the same world that they do. My life consists of mom things. I cook, clean, run errands, get kids ready for school, etc, etc. But somehow, I need to get them to understand that I have walked the path they are on and that it is possible to stand for the right.

She lists 7 things we can do to be people of integrity:

1. Be worthy of TRUST
2. Have FAITH that the Lord will help you, ask for that help
3. DO what you say you will do
4. STAND UP for what you believe
5. EXPECT your integrity to be challenged
7. RENEW your COVENANT to do what you came here to do

Number 7 is my favorite. It reminds me of who I really am and who my children really are. She says it best:

My dear young friends, whom I believe to be the best this world has ever seen, you were sent now because you have everything it takes to deal with the world now.
We made premortal commitments, among them surely being a willingness to come during this 'eleventh hour'. Surely we followed our Elder Brother's example. Perhaps we said something like this: 'If you need someone who will have the courage and determination to face the world at its worse, here am I, send me. If you need husbands and wives who will be faithful to each other, raise their children in the admonition of the Lord, and defend the family, here am I, send me. If you need men and women who will see through the lies of the world about family, gender, and intimacy, and who will never confuse being tolerant of others with tolerating sin, here am I, send me. If you need men and women who will be fearless in building the Kingdom of God, please, here am I, send me'."

I'm not sure how I'm doing at keeping my "premortal covenants". But I know I could be doing a little better. I know there are cracks in my own integrity, but I promise to mend them and fortify them. My kids are depending on me. If I'm not willing to model, as the Savior has done, who else will for my children? I must! It is why they were entrusted to me. It lies solely on mine and Dustin's shoulders. We will not fail them.


Sarah said...

I still remember the lesson you gave on this talk in Young Woman's years ago. I always appreciated your lessons you gave on Sundays and especially the lessons you gave through your example. You were a great example of motherhood to us girls and your kids are lucky to have you as their Mother.

Larae Taylor Merritt said...

Sarah, that made my day! :) Thanks for your kind words. I loved teaching you guys. You were always such great examples to me! Love ya!

Judy said...

Great idea - I left you a comment on fb of a good book that teaches Christlike Virtues to kids!

Elizabeth said...

Larae, Thanks for your thoughts, for your example, and your love for your family. Sister Dew is inspiring, but like you said, we have to practice what we learn for it to be really effective. What a wonderful example you are for others. Love Aunt Liz

Mama Bear said...

I dont' know what exactly you do in your home but I am always amazed that your little Becca knows most of the scripture stories. The ones I have taught recently she didn't know quite as much about but the next Sunday when I would quiz them she always knew the answer. She is definitely soaking in what you and Dustin are teaching her. I truly hope I can give my little girls the same and that they will learn. I agree that it is sooo scary. Way more scary than when i was a teenager. I think thats when we do everything we can to be such good examples and hopefully they will know what to do when the time comes. My favorite quotes is by Pres Hunter .. "We should decide now, in the light of the morning, how we will act when the darkness of night and when the storms of temptation arrive." I've thought that if I can take situations and discuss them and come up with a plan hopefully they will know and be ready for them.

Larae Taylor Merritt said...

Thanks guys. I think I have some great kids. And I am trying to remember to be a good example.

Candice, I love that quote! Thanks!