Thursday, March 11, 2010

Big Day in 'Cop Land' and Other Changes

Dustin is officially off training and all on his own. He is happy for that part of the job to be over. To be honest, so am I!! It was nerve racking for him to always be under scrutiny. We celebrated by having an ice cream sundae party.

Now that he is on his own, he is able to bring this home:

We have seen some benefits of having a cop car sitting in our driveway. People are more cautious as they drive by. We live on a busy road, so it is nice not to have people screaming by at 35-40 mph, especially when the speed limit is 25! The kids have been able to get a ride and even work the sirens. If I was really on top of things, i would have a picture, but I'm not so sorry!!

A week before he was cut from training, they told us he would be on the day shift. I was so excited! He would work 6 am - 4 pm. No better shift than that! We later found out that someone had quit and he would have to take his spot on the graveyard shift. this has been really difficult. He leaves for work at 7:45 pm and walks through the door at 7:15 am. I have had a hard time sleeping with out him. I went to bed at 3 am the first night. Realizing that wasn't going to work, I have been trying to get to bed at 11:30. I know it will take time to adjust, but I really can't stand it. I have to keep kids quiet till about 1 in the afternoon. In our little house it's rather difficult. He gets to bid for a new shift in April, so hopefully we will get something better.

The nice thing about this shift is he is home a lot more. The kids are all off track right now, so they see him and are able to spend time with him. It's nice having him home in the day, I just miss him at night!

I'm just grateful that he has had this opportunity to fulfill a life long dream. I know it requires a lot of change on everybody's part, but we're up for the challenge. I think it will only make us closer and more selfless. We realize it is important to him.


Taryn said...

Well I am glad that he is on his own, but I'm not sure you should advertise that you are all alone at night :)

thecustercrew said...

It is hard to get used to the lonley nights, but you will adjust. Hopefully he will get a day shift soon. Keeping the kids quiet? , that is a serious undertaking!

Kristin said...

I know how hard it can be to go to bed by yourself. I always stay up way too late when Dave travels. It stinks to warm up the bed by yourself in the winter. It's awesome that you're all so supportive of Dustin living his dream.