Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Scripture Study in the Merritt Home

In our house we always try to do what is right and what is important. Reading our scriptures is something we try to do. We are not the best at sticking to it. I don't know what it is, why it's so hard.

We have tried illustrated versions, those worked well, but we finished them. Mom, I'll get those back to you one day! :) We have tried reading straight out of the scriptures. I think this is ideal. They become acquainted with the "lingo." And behold... And it came to pass.. thou, thee, ye, yay. You know what I"m talking about. Becca and Kate really struggle this way though.

I was trying to think of how to put some life back into our scripture study, a little excitement. After much thought and a little searching I found this:

I love this book! We use it for FHE too. We study 1 verse (they are all scripture mastery) for a week. You read it, memorize it, and discuss it. We print out activities from the cd-rom it comes with. I have been amazed of the outcome. My kids have memorized 3 verses so far,working on our 4th! Even Kate and Bec are memorizing them. Can I just say these are not short scriptures either!

I know reading our scriptures is important, and one day I hope for us all to sit with our scriptures in our lap and study right from them, but for now we'll be doing it this way. I'll make little scripture scholars out of them yet!


Rach said...

Thanks for sharing! We have the FHE Book, and absolutely love it. We do good with scripture study for two weeks at a time, then fall off track. I'm so excited to go get this book to help us stay on track!

Taryn said...

You are such a good mom!
and way to go kids for memorizing those sriptures!