Sunday, March 28, 2010

On Getting Older

Do you ever have those moments when reality hits you and you realize you have been living in denial. This month it has happened twice!

It is our civic duty to fill out the Census 2010. Well, I was filling mine out like the good American I am. I was doing fine until it came to that certain question. Your age____. I was ready to write 31. For some reason that didn't seem right. I counted the years and when I figured out that I was actually 33, I about lost it. 33?!! I then reminded myself that I was almost 34. I wanted to puke. Really. The last time that happened I was turning 25. Now-a-days I think I'm still 25.

Today was another one of those moments. Ryan gave his first talk in Sacrament meeting. He did a great job. He wrote the majority of it himself, we just made a few suggestions. HE talked of honesty, one of my favorite subjects to go over with my children. We need constant reminders in our home.

Don't get me wrong, I don't mind getting older. I just wish my brain would catch on. Then i won't be in such shock when things pop up and remind me of my true age.


Jennae said...

That is when you pull out the sheets your kids filled out in Kindergarten that say that you are 19 years old, and weigh 32 pounds! lol
You look great though, and you are such a great mom!! Seriously!

Sarah said...

Hey Larae! Cute blog! I can't believe Ryan gave a talk in Sacrament meeting! I wish I could've heard it. I bet he did great!

p.s. by the way, You're beautiful! :)

i said...

dang reality....i had to count the years to remember my age for the census. that's sad! ;)

Jayleen said...

Ryan did a great job on his talk yesterday. It IS a shocker when you realize that your getting older. I just turned 36 ahhhh, and Jeff will be 40 this year.

Darrell and Alissa said...

I hate those days when I realize how old I'm getting, and how old my kids are getting! Let's just keep pretending we are only 25! Funny thing- I alwasy think I'm 25 too!