Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And Back Again...

When Dustin and I moved into our ward in 2000, we were immediately put into the nursery (I think that's where new couples go, not that there's anything wrong with that, I just think it's funny). I was there for about 6 months and was called as the YW Personal Progress person, not sure of the official title. Was in that calling for a short while, maybe 3 mo? They wanted me as the Laurel advisor. I was really excited! Especially since it was Laurels, the more mature group. I had that calling for almost 6 years! I loved it! I could tell it was getting time for a change though.

So, about 2 years ago I was called as the Compassionate Service leader! I loved, loved that calling! It fit me perfectly! I was there about a year and then called as the Relief Society secretary. I had to grow into that calling. I loved the women I served with, but being a secretary you needed to be on top of things and organized, not my greatest strength. Just ask Dustin, he'll vouch fro me. I entered that calling overwhelmed and terrified. I have come to love it though. The RS is a GREAT organization, truly inspired. I loved the women I served with, being with women my own age, and getting to know them better.

A few weeks ago I got a phone call asking to meet with a member of our bishopric. I was a little nervous and confused! I hadn't been in this calling for much more than a year. Fear started to creep in. I was thinking, " What calling could I have and still have my current calling? Oh, scouts. They're going to put me in scouts" -not that there's anything wrong with that, just not one of my strengths. Thanks Jill, Jayleen, and Camille, I appreciate all the help with the boys and scouting.

I was nervous as I walked into the room. We sat down and Bro. Brown said, "How much do you like your calling?"

"ALOT," I replied. "Whhhyy?"

"We would like to call you to be the Laurel advisor." ... pause... "What do you think?" he continued. I think he could tell I was thinking hard. It wasn't that I didn't want the calling, I was just confused. I just came from there. Is that allowed?

The moment he asked me "what do you think?", this happiness filled me. All the the doubt went away and I knew that was the calling I was to have at this time. I clapped my hands, smiled big and said, "I love it! I miss YW." Just weird because I didn't think I missed YWs at all. I was very happy where I was at. It was the first time I had ever had that type of confirmation about a calling. It was pretty cool. It all happened in about 5 seconds.

So there's my big news of lately! I'm back in Young Yomens. I've not been released as secretary yet, so I'm extremely busy. That's alright though. I don't mind being busy. I'm just happy to serve where, and how long I'm needed. While, I'll do another 6 years if I have to!


Rach said...

How fun Larae! I'm looking for a Laurel Advisor in my ward, any chance you guys want to move in? Enjoy. Make sure to share lots of ideas of activities on your blog for me! Is your Stake involved in the Temple Celebration?

i said...

ditto on the secretary thing! hard.
i'm glad that you are so excited!

Taryn said...

Well that's great! Maybe that will be a forever, kinda permanant thing J/K until you get called to be the General YW President :)

Taryn said...

Thx for the info about your friends boutique site. I think she may have some stuff I'm interested in but on her blog there was no contact info. Is she a close friends that you can let her know I want some stuff.

Brittany Marie said...

I'll miss you in RS! I was shocked when I heard about it! (Those girls will love you though.)