Sunday, January 22, 2012

Changes Coming Our Way.

Remember that job I told you about not long ago? I turned it down. Yeah, well, I am now employed by that daycare. I start Feb 1st. I think it's funny how things work out sometimes.

I was offered that job a month ago. I turned it down because the hours weren't right and I really didn't want to leave home. I like it here. But sometimes circumstances change. Earlier this week my sister-in-law told me she was moving. She would no longer be able to bring her kids. I needed a job.

I called my old boss back. I was in a pinch. I asked if by some miracle that position was still open. She informed me it wasn't. My heart sank a little. However, she told me that another position had just opened up. It was in the kindergarten room. The hours would be from 9 am - 1 pm. The hours are perfect, but I really wanted to teach preschool. I would have to take it, so I did.

I went in this week to get all that I needed to get done to work there. We were talking and she said that it was good thing she had called me about the other job. You bet it was! I wasn't even thinking about getting in the work field again, but I also wasn't expecting this.

The more I think about it, I get excited. It's been 10 years since my kids have had their house to themselves. I think it's time. I will be able to put in my 4 hrs of work and be done. Work will stay at work and will not be a stress to my kids. Don't get me wrong, I have always watched good kids, but there were sacrifices my kids had to make daily. Sometimes it wasn't easy for them. Their home, their bedrooms, their toys were never theirs. I think it has been good for their sharing skills, but I know sometimes they would act out just because they were feeling the stress of it all. So, I think this will be a good change for our family.

I'm a little nervous. Having a boss will be weird, but I'll adjust. Change is good for you.


Darrell and Alissa said...

What a blessing- and you will be great with the kids- you always have been. You have way more patience then I do that is for sure!!

ChicChat said...

You're going to do great! Good Luck! I am so happy for you!

i said...

wow. it is amazing really. i bet you will enjoy that a lot! happy first day. :)

Kristin said...

I love it when things work out like that. I hope you enjoy it!