Thursday, January 5, 2012

Abundant in 2012

Last year I chose a word to focus on instead of a list of goals. I made sure that it would incorporate all that I wanted to achieve though. That word was Creator. It was to remind me that I was the creator of my circumstances. I felt it worked well. I have done well in 2011, although I know I could have done better. I forgive myself and will just try again.

This year I chose:


I was given this word from this article in the Jan 2012 Ensign (go ahead and read it). It was written by our prophet, Thomas S Monson.

This year I am seeking the abundant life he mentioned, "...abundance in success, goodness, and blessings..."

This year we are also studying the Book of Mormon, my favorite!! I love this book. Everytime I read it, I love it more and more. I feel it ties in well with my word. The whole theme through the Book of Mormon is:

Keep the Commandments = Prosper.

That's it. I know we could say alot of fancy, deep things, but what the ancient prophets were trying to tell us is that if we would just do what the Lord asks and expects of us, we would "prosper in the land." We would achieve the abundant life.

I'm so excited. I feel this is going to be a great year, a lot of growth in store. And I say, "Bring it!"


ChicChat said...

I like "Creator". That is a great word. Good luck in your journey for the "Abundant" life. We can help each other with the fitness part of it. :)

i said...

great summary of the book of mormon!!! abundance is awesome. i am all for it too. ;)

Kristin said...

I love your word choices and all the thoughts you share on your blog. They always inspire me. Love ya!