Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday: Jesus' Trial, Scourging, And Crucificxion

 I read the accounts in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I marvel at the similarities, and also the differences. Each giving an account of what they witnessed and felt impressed to share with the world. Though the accounts differ in some details, the core of the story is the same. I will admit that I like John 18 and what he records of the conversation between Pilate and Jesus. I have always been under the impression Jesus stood and said nothing in the trials, but that’s not so. It makes sense now. Of course he would speak with Jesus in order to find no fault in him. He wanted to let him go. His wife warned him to let him go. But can we say peer pressure pushed him in the opposite direction? Wanting to appease a rioting crowd, he washed his hands, and turned Jesus over to the soldiers. They scourged Him. They mocked Him. They spit on Him and slapped Him. He was made to wear a crown of thorns and carry the cross he would die on. Once hung on the cross, His first words were,” Father, forgive them...” He would hang there for six hours. His last thoughts turned to His mother. Once knowing she is cared for, he says, “It is finished.”